EVERYONE needs support when on a healing path. To have the chance to feel the love, peace and joy that is their birth right. And as we heal, we heal those around us…and ultimately the world.
What To Expect
Divine healing available to you 24hrs a day, 7 days a week
Send healing requests via email (4 times a month)
Significant discounts on other services
Access to videos, meditations & support from other members
How The Online Healing Circle Works
As a member of the Online Healing Circle you are entitled to send requests for Healing directly from me up to 4 times per month. You will also benefit from the daily sessions that I hold to send positive healing to the whole group. You can also help improve your Karma by using your healing requests to help other people in your life.
I work by interpreting your request into my own words (with the help of Spirit), I then write them out. This act on its own is part of the Healing process and the Healing has already started (it in fact starts by you sending your request – this is such a powerful process in itself). I then use my Healing Power through Spirit to send Divine Light Healing to each and every request. This is followed by Healing sent to everyone in the group as a collective. Every evening your requests and names are placed in front of my altar (which has such a high energy that any plant comes back to life if placed next to it..!) and finally after 1 month your requests get burnt in a final fire ceremony.
As a member of the Online Healing Circle you are also entitled to:
» Significant discounts on all my healing events
» An opportunity to ask me for any spiritual guidance to help you on your path
» Access to videos, meditations and other member support
“Since joining your healing circle, I have felt much more at ease and find I no longer ‘over think’ things, letting it all just happen quite naturally. The knowledge of having somewhere to turn to in time of need is wonderful and very reassuring.”