Despite qualifying as a yoga teacher, a hypnotherapist, and NLP practitioner, I had always felt closer to Spirit. I experienced a psychic opening at the age of 43 and have been directly connected to Spirit ever since. After many years, channelling a Higher Intelligence has become second nature to me, I can channel in a split second with no effort whatsoever and I have never known them make a mistake.
Whether through my The Online Healing Circle, Full Moon Workshops, One to Ones, Psychic Development, or Psychic Slimming Programmes my honest and direct approach will quickly give you guidance and clarity of vision and help to lift the burdens preventing you from living a happier more fulfilling life.
As the Author of “You Can be Psychic Too”, “ Psychic Slimming” and Director of the School of Psychic Studies I teach Psychic Development and healing workshops to a global audience. The number of people who have benefited from my unique approach to Psychic Healing is continually growing which brings me great joy, and I would be delighted for you to join us.

In addition to my work with private clients I have made a number of appearances on TV and radio, and articles on my work have appeared in health and spiritual magazines such as Top Sante, Kindred Spirit and Spirit & Destiny and in both the British and Irish national press.

“The healing is powerful and not like anything I have seen before. It is enlightening, inspiring and uplifting. It is a relief to know I can get help in this way. It was not available to me before. It is like a breath of fresh air. I don’t feel alone anymore. Molly is one of the most interesting people I have ever met.” ~ Tim

“Molly’s healing has enabled me great awareness and realisations. Once I see things clearly they have been much easier to face, accept and release. The shifts are immeasurable, and are followed by peace, simplicity, gratitude and joy.” ~ Suzanne

“Molly’s approach to healing is one that really gets results. After a session with Molly, I find that any fears or worries I may have regarding people or events have been cleared away and I’m left in a lasting state of total calmness.” ~ Gill

“This has been amazing, in our first 60 minute sitting I have had my spirit character confirmed, past lives summarised and my chakras diagnosed and unblocked. Together with accurate accounts of my life experiences that quite frankly you could never know unless you were part of my life. This guidance and confirmation has made an incredible difference to my future path. It will enable me to finally reach my full potential and true destiny. Thank you so much Molly.” ~ Mark