What To Expect
90 minute silent workshop around the Full Moon
Receive Divine Healing from Spirit (through me) to let go of situations and patterns that no longer serve
Be guided towards the changes you can make in your life to create a life you love
You can see me, but not the other participants
How The Healing Works
The Healing Power comes from a Divine Source and works on every level of your body, mind, soul, spirit and aura. It works on any area of your life, is powerful and goes deeper than the conscious mind can ever go. It floods through you clearing and decluttering. The Healing draws out any negativity, old patterns, and blocks that are inside you, of which you are likely to be unaware of as they reside in the unconscious part of your energy field.
“What a fantastic Full Moon Healing Session night, this experience has been truly exceptional. The fact that we didn’t speak made the experience so much stronger for me. When the healing finished my body was fizzing and I felt high as a kite. I went straight to bed and slept like a lamb. This morning, I seriously feel like I’m vibrating on a different level to anything I’ve ever experienced before.”