Your sub-conscious mind makes up about 96% of who you are and how you react to situations based upon what it has seen you experience in your past. It remembers absolutely everything from the moment you formed a physical body until now. It also contains all future possibilities based on likely trends that will occur because of your past reactions. It knows your genetic code and any influence that your ancestors may have upon you. It is responsible for your health, your body temperature, hunger, sleep patterns, your thoughts and so on. It communicates through your dreams, through hunches and intuitive knowings. It can tie your shoelaces, drive your car, instantly remember the words of songs from more than a decade ago. And it has a direct link to Spirit and the Universal Mind.
You also have a conscience that makes you feel uncomfortable when you know you have done something wrong. We all have a conscience but our reactions are very different from one another. When you feel the emotion of fear, your sub-conscious is on red-alert. It’s job is to keep you safe and when it senses something that has endangered you from the past re-occuring, it will begin to tell you all sorts of things to lead you astray. It can tell you that you are inadequate, not enough, financially worried if it has already seen you suffer from these experiences or if it knows that you made others feel the same.
It can link with your ego to frighten you even more over things that really have no power over you. It can make you feel powerless and little with the emotions of a three year old. If you have been wrongly accused or arrested for a crime in a past life and unfairly punished, it may block you from taking a risk now. Your ego will try anything to hold you up. You may want to blame your circumstances or another person to feel better without realising that this is your ego egging you on to being unable to take 100% responsibility for your life and every circumstance.
The next time you feel down, angry, upset, fearful, impatient, worried, tense, stop for a moment and have a look at your sub-conscious. What is it trying to protect you from? It’s job is to protect you. That is what it does. When it wants to release something from the past, it will draw to you people and circumstances that ‘bring your stuff up’. It will link to those souls you have known before and with whom you have contracts this time to being about a completion for you to ascend.
You are not your mind or the worry thoughts in your mind. Watch the Watch the ego chatterbox in your head and observe it as if you are the witness to it. Then observe yourself observing it. This is called double dissociation. You can watch yourself watching yourself having a reaction. You can even talk to the other you having the reaction. Remember your ego will thrive on fear and doubt. So do not be phased when these emotions surface and when they do send them in to the Healing Circle for clearing