Karma is the way that you grow and learn. It ensures that you take responsibility for all of your actions by working through all the consequences of your past behaviour. Karma means a “cycle”. If not released and healed, this “cycle” can be played out over many of your lifetimes before you are free.
If you have done a lot of wrong deeds in your previous incarnations it may be “pay back” time now. Your Higher Self will want you to experience what you have done to others and to fully repay that karmic debt. Challenges will be placed before you again and again until you heal. Each “test” will become more demanding if you do not understand the lessons.
At the end of each of your lifetimes, you go before a spiritual board made up of angels and spiritual advisors to review your life.
Before your incarnation, your karma will be genetically programmed into you as limitations or gifts. Your guides and spiritual advisors will make sure that you meet the perfect people and live through the perfect situations at the right time to complete the blue-print of your life.
Everything is seen and known to the Lords of Karma. There are angels that are even higher ranking than the archangels. These great angels are called the Lords of Karma. There are seven of them and they sit on a karmic board. They keep the records of humanity.
Karma, can be cancelled if your request is truly sincere. Sometimes however it is deemed applicable for your soul to go through a karmic experience to learn and grow.
You can perform invocations to the Lords of Karma asking for dispensation to take place. One form of this is to write to them. Your letter should include:
Dearly Beloved Lords of Karma,
You know about my destiny more than I do myself and I am now asking you to review my case. Please review my karmic records. Please look into all the areas, facets and aspects of my karma that are keeping me restricted.
Please help me to use my energies more productively
Please send your council and emissaries to work with me around the clock, awake and asleep to help me to align with my divine plan.
I ask that this be done for me as soon as it is possible so that I may serve others with respect and grace.
These are the issues I would like to heal:
(List issues)
Yours faithfully
(Your name)
Put the letter in a safe place, somewhere sacral to you.